Trinity Papamandjaris,
Executive Vice President
Saturday, March 25, 2023,
11am-12:30pm PST
Click on the YouTube link below to view this webinar. Once you have viewed the presentation, you can log back in and take the Quiz for this event. A score of 70% or above will earn you a Certificate for 2 hours of Medical Mentorship.
Workshop Description:
Have you ever heard of Anki? Have you ever heard of space repetition to study science courses? Have you ever wanted to learn about it but didn’t know where to start?
Then come and learn from and ask questions of Trinity Papamandjaris, who as a busy premed student, varsity college athlete, and student with a 4.0 GPA and 519 MCAT, has used Anki and spaced repetition to excel in her academic career.
You want to take advantage of this opportunity!
About the Speaker:
My name is Trinity Papamandjaris and I am from London, Ontario, Canada. I am entering into my third year of university at the University of Guelph. I am studying biomedical science. I am also a varsity athlete on the women’s basketball team. My family is pretty small since I don’t have any siblings. I live with both of my parents, who are chefs, as well as my two dogs Kobe and Luna. My hobbies include tennis, cooking, and reading mostly fantasy novels.
My professional goal is to become a doctor. The two fields that interest me most are emergency medicine and surgery. I am not quite sure which will suit me best but hopefully through experience I can find which field I am most passionate about. I also volunteer with the Canadian Red Cross as a personal disaster volunteer. That means that I help families in my community cope with emergencies such as house fires and floods.
Other causes that are important to me are animal rights and social justice. I support animal rights by maintaining a vegetarian diet. I also volunteer with animal rescue organizations and local dog shelters when I can. As for social justice, I do my best to learn from others and to be an active ally for minorities in my community.
Two personal goals of mine are to learn sign language and to volunteer abroad. I would love to learn sign language to improve accessibility in health care. Finally, volunteering abroad would give me a more profound understanding of the daily life of people around the world.
View for Free:
Topic: How to Utilize Anki and Space Repetition to Succeed in YOUR Science Classes and MCAT
When: Saturday, March 25, 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
YouTube link: