Join Us!

Dear PreMedCC Community,
Join our Leadership Team! Be part of a leading premedical organization that is for premed students at Community College, University, Post-bacc, first-generation, DACA, or anyone that does not have a supportive environment and does not have access to pre-med advisors.
We are looking for people to help lead the organization, bring their talents and develop their leadership.
Since our organization is remote, we have leaders scattered around California, the United States, and Canada!
We are asking for a few hours a week to help with promotion, planning, implementing programming, and fulfilling the organization’s mission.
We are looking for dedicated people who can commit 2-3 hours weekly in their respective areas. We are asking for at least a 6-month commitment.
Meeting Commitments
● Fridays 5pm-6:30pm PST
● Saturdays 11am-12:30pm PST
● Sundays 9am-10am PST (Mandatory)

Job Descriptions in the various areas

Social Media:
● Brainstorming and suggesting new ways to improve traffic by tapping into new
platforms and channels
● Create content for Social Media Platforms (IG, TikTok)
● Be involved/participate in Green-Screen videos
● Aid with the visual design and participation to promote upcoming events
● Monitor digital engagement metrics
● Research market trends and developments relevant to campaign subject matter
● Edit and proofread content to ensure accuracy and consistency
● Incorporate keywords and relevant topics into content to enhance visibility and reach● Interest in
● Familiarity with content editors like Canva, CapCut, and Adobe
Have prompt and reliable communication
● Willingness to learn new skills and adaptability
● NOTE: We would be glad to train you if you are interested in learning these skills

● Make short video content to promote PreMedCC on social media platforms like
Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.
● Attend weekly group meetings to brainstorm new ideas and exchange feedback.
● Have previous experience in graphic design (Canva, Adobe Photoshop, etc.)
● Have experience in video editing (CapCut, iMovie, VN Editor, etc.)
● Effective online verbal and written communication (be responsive via Gmail,
Slack, Zoom)
● Effective teamwork skills (give and receive feedback, collaborate on projects)
● Dedicate a minimum of 6 hrs per week
Have prompt and reliable communication
● Willingness to learn new skills and adaptability
● NOTE: We would be glad to train you if you are interested in learning these skills

Design Team:
● Create digital flyers and posters for events on Canva
● Create digital marketing for events
● Create content for social media platforms
● Create logos, t-shirts, and other promotional materials
● Have design experience with concepts like color palettes, white space, typography, etc.
● Attend team meetings
Have prompt and reliable communication
● Willingness to learn new skills and adaptability

Content Creator:
◘ As a representative of our brand you will be expected to actively participate in post appearances 
Create and post original high quality content 
● Commit to make 2-3 posts a week 
● Have knowledge of current digital marketing trends 
● Have a growth mindset
● Attend team meetings and be active on our group chats 

➔ Building Leadership skills and working in a team.
➔ Being in a community of dedicated people
➔ Build your resume and application
➔ Mentorship by a Physician leader
➔ Letter of Recommendation (if earned)
➔ Former members of our leadership team have a 100% admission rate to Medical School! (meaning 100% of people from our leadership who have applied to Medical School have been accepted)

Selection Process


Do I have to be a Community College (CC) student to participate?
Absolutely NOT. You do not have to be a CC student. We accept students from all
walks of life. A few of our leadership team are not current or former CC students.

Do I have to live in a specific place?
No, we are 100% remote, and you can be anywhere in the United States or the World.
Our organization functions on the Pacific Standard Time for meetings.

Are all meetings mandatory?
Our Fridays and Saturdays are the times we have speakers and guests. The
programming team manages those sessions. These speakers are paramount for your
success if you are a premed student. We don’t force people to attend every event, but
we think it benefits you.
However, our Sunday leadership meeting at 9 am PST is mandatory. This is where
planning, discussion, and ideas are exchanged. We try to keep them under 45 minutes.

What is the time commitment?
Generally, in life, the most committed people succeed. We assert what you put into
developing your leadership, you will gain in return. We are also keenly aware that you must
focus on academics as premed students. We require 2-3 hours of commitment a week.

How are the Interviews done?
The interviews are scheduled by YOU. We give you a time frame in those two weeks to
select the time that best fits your schedule. The interview will be conducted by 2-3 of our
team members over Zoom and are about 30 minutes long. We will ask you questions
and get to know you.

Questions? Email

Application Closing – 4/30/2025 at 11:59 PM PST
Interview Invitation – Sent by 5/12/25 by 11:59 pm PST
Interviews – 5/18/25 to 6/4/25  (selected by you)
Decisions – Emailed by 6/14/25 by 11:59pm PST
Mandatory Orientation 6/29/25 at 9am-11am PST (No Exceptions)