Marcella Anthony, MPA
Assistant Director, Community Outreach, Recruitment and Engagement
Stanford Office of Diversity in Medical Education (ODME)
Program Director, Leadership Education for Aspiring Physicians (LEAP)
Program Director, Stanford Summer Community College Premedical Program (SSCCPP)
Co-Director, Stanford Summer Community College Research Program (SSCCRP)
Stanford University School of Medicine
Friday, January 27, 2023
5pm-6:30pm PST
Click on the YouTube link below to view this webinar. Once you have viewed the presentation, you can log back in and take the Quiz for this event. A score of 70% or above will earn you a Certificate for 2 hours of Medical Mentorship.
Workshop Description:
Are you interested in Summer or Research Programs? Are you interested in programs during the school year? Do you know that Stanford offers numerous programs for Community College students? Do you want to know more about them? Do you want to know what it takes to be competitive? Do you know what they are looking for in their applicants? How to be successful in the process?
Then you should attend this workshop presented by Ms. Marcella Anthony, who oversees the various programs, and ask questions about the many programs at Stanford University.
About the Speaker:
Marcella has a 20-year career in undergraduate student development from engineering student services, and new student and family programs, including orientation, recruitment, and preadmission counseling. Her 13-year tenure at Stanford Medicine includes creating the Leadership Education for Aspiring Physicians program, managing summer programs for undergraduate students, and six years chairing an MD admissions sub-committee. Marcella’s own experience as a student of the Philadelphia Community College has strengthened her commitment to helping students from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. Her career fostering entry into the STEM professions is built on justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI). As a doctoral student, Marcella is exploring the sociocultural experiences of Black mothers who care for young adults living with serious mental illness.
View for Free:
Topic: Stanford University & Stanford School of Medicine Programs for Community College Pre-Med & Pre-STEM Students
When: Friday, January 27, 5:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
YouTube link: