Khoa Lam, MD
Radiology and Neuroradiology
American Radiology Associate
Saturday December 18, 2021
11am-12:30pm PST
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Workshop Description
Do you think being a Community College student is a disadvantage? Do you know that refugees can be successful and receive multiple honors at University of California? Come learn from the long journey of Dr. Lam, from refugee, to community college and now physician.
In his journey, Dr. Lam started at Community College and matriculated to UC Berkeley and UC Davis School of Medicine as an Regent Scholar, which is a scholarship for students in California that covers tuition, books, and housing for both undergraduate and medical education.
About the Speaker:
Khoa Lam, MD was born and raised in Vietnam, and immigrated to the U.S. with his family at the age of 16 as a refugee. He attended American River College for 3 years and was fortunate to have met many mentors and friends along the way, including Dr. Ken Kubo and many others. After finishing the Stanford HCOP summer program for disadvantaged premedical students, he transferred to UC Berkeley with a Regents and Chancellor’s Scholarship. While at Berkeley, he was fortunate to work in Professor Harland’s lab and subsequently selected to the Haas Scholars Program, which introduced him to Dr. Leah Carroll and many inspiring Haas Scholars. Khoa matriculated as a Medical Regents Scholar at UC Davis Medical School after Berkeley and then completed Internal Medicine Preliminary training in Long Beach, CA. After 4 years of Diagnostic Radiology Residency in Rochester NY, he recently completed a year of Neuroradiology Fellowship at University of Washington in Seattle. Khoa currently works in Dallas, TX.
View for Free:
When: Dec 18, 2021 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: From Vietnamese Refugee to Community College and Radiology
YouTube link: